Seminários CIMA/DMat
On the mathematics of medical imaging

On the mathematics of medical imaging

Pedro Serranho

Mathematics Section, Department of Science and Technology, Open University, Portugal, and
IBILI Institute for Biomedical Research in Light and Image, University of Coimbra

Medical Imaging is a field where physicians, engineers and mathematicians meet in order to develop and improve new or existing imaging modalities. Moreover, the development of automatic methods based on image processing of medical imaging for screening programs is of high interest for the field, allowing large amounts of imaging data to be treated by an automatic procedure. In this talk we will give an insight on mathematical aspects of the acquisition and processing of medical images. We will focus on human retinal imaging and show some ongoing research by a mathematical point of view.

Em 16.03.2012
16 de Março de 2012, Sexta-feira, CLAV - 138 - 14:00