Seminário: The Maxwell problem on electrostatic points
Orador Convidado Gonçalo Oliveira, IST, Universidade de Lisboa
Resumo: Given a configuration of n point charges, how many points are there where the electric field vanishes (electrostatic points), and where are they? In 1873 Maxwell conjectured that there are at most (n-1)^2 such points. This is a surprisingly difficult question that remains open to this day. I will summarize some known results and mention part of some current joint work with Herbert Edelsbrunner and Chris Fillmore, from IST Austria, exploring this conjecture.
Programa de Doutoramento em Matemática/Departamento de Matemática e CIMA
Em 07.11.2024
14:00 |
Colégio Luís Verney, Sala 155