Seminário: Pulse vaccination in a SIR model: Global dynamics, bifurcations and seasonality

Orador Convidado: Alexandre Rodrigues, ISEG - REM - CEMAPRE - University of Lisbon


Abstract: In this informal talk, I analyze a periodically forced dynamical system inspired by the SIR model with impulsive vaccination. I characterize its dynamics according to the proportion of vaccinated individuals and the time between doses. I draw the associated
bifurcation diagram. I also explore analytically and numerically chaotic dynamics by adding seasonality to the disease transmission rate. This is a joint work with João Maurı́cio de Carvalho (University of Porto). This non-technical seminar is directed to students and
researchers not familiarized with the topic.



Organização: Programa de Doutoramento em Matemática/Departamento de Matemática e CIMA
Em 11.12.2024
14:30 | Colégio Luís Verney, Anfiteatro 1